Claudia Pérez Cruz Ph.D.

Researcher Cinvestav 3C
Department of Pharmacology
Tel: 5747-3800  ext. 5442 

Alzheimer's disease, in the vast majority of cases, is a multifactorial syndrome associated with various risk factors present throughout our lives. Metabolic alterations and dysfunction in cerebral glucose metabolism are widely reported, even from the early stages of the disease. Recently, it has been postulated that the intestinal microbiota may also play an essential role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's since the presence of certain bacteria is associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. Diet can strongly modulate both metabolic alterations and the intestinal microbiota.

In the laboratory, we have been exploring the impact of diets rich in bioactive and prebiotic foods on brain function within the so-called microbiota-gut-brain axis. We have been able to determine that by changing the intestinal ecology with the intake of various foods, the release of microbial products is modulated, thus improving cognitive function and preventing neurodegeneration in transgenic models for Alzheimer's disease and diet-induced obesity models. These data indicate, on the one hand, that the intake of some foods could prevent the appearance of cognitive damage in advanced ages. On the other, it highlights the importance of our microbiota in developing neurodegenerative diseases.

Another line of research we have extensively developed is the characterization of the common marmoset, a non-human primate, and the tree shrew, a scadentia, as models of aging with neurodegeneration. These models have the great advantage of presenting a genomic sequence closer to humans and a more complex brain structure and cognitive development compared to rodents. Furthermore, they present various cellular and functional alterations that position them as ideal models for understanding the fine line that divides normal aging from neurodegeneration.

  • Diolistic labeling

  • 3D image analysis

  • Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence

  • Westem blot and PCR

  • Behavioral test to evaluate cognition

  • Massive DNA sequencing

  • Bacterial cultures of biological samples

  • HPLC, mass chromatography


Dr. Vicente Sánchez Valle
Auxiliar de Investigación
Ext. 5422



Lic. Grecia Sánchez Palomero
Técnico de laboratorio
Ext. 5422






Beatriz Alcantara Castro
Apoyo secretarial.
Ext. 5450





Ivonne Sagrario Romero Flores
cotutoria con Dr. Jaime Mena García,
Programa de Genética y Biología Molecular

Laura Gonzáles Palomares

M.C. Jonatan Josue Pichado Espino




Diana Frida de Lima Mar

Mónica Morales Alvarado
Maestría de Neurobiología

Dario Augusto Morales Martínez

Anahí Olea Pérez

Carlos Alfredo Silva Ramírez


Estancias de investigación


Dr. Juan de Dios Rodriguez Callejas
Postdoc Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM









Carlos Armando Lozano Villalobos
Maestría en Neurobiologia, UNAM (15/02/2019)

Syeda Tauqeer Unnisabeum
Doctorado en Farmacología (01/07/2014 – 23/10/2018)

Lizbeth Pérez Jiménez
Maestria en Ciencias (24/02/2017)

Erick de Jesús Sánchez Gómez
Maestría en Ciencias (co-tutoría Dr. Ubaldo García, Depto. Fisiología, Cinvestav)

Yanahí Posadas Torrentera
Maestría en Ciencias (14/01/2016)

Karina Hernández Mercado
Maestría en Ciencias (15/01/2016)

Juan de Dios Rodríguez Callejas
Maestría en Ciencias (17/12/2015)

Silvia Zapata Mondragón
Maestría en Ciencias (23/01/2015)

Luis Adolfo Leonhardt Avalos
Maestría en Ciencias (23/01/2015)

Daniel Cuervo Zanatta
Maestría en Ciencias (23/01/2015)

Jesús Mancilla Pérez (16/06/2017) Maestria en Neurobiología, UNAM
Maestría en Ciencias (23/01/2015)

Juan de Dios Rodríguez Callejas
Doctorado en Farmacología (09/10/2020)

Yanahí Posadas Torrentera
Doctorado en Farmacología (29/06/2022)

Daniel Cuervo Zanatta
Doctorado en Genética y Biología Molecular (26/09/2021)

Esael Gonzáles Magaña
Maestría en Farmacología (08/04/2021)

Julieta Hernández Acosta
Maestría en Neurobiología (23/10/2020)

Mariangel Irene Fierro
tesis Licenciatura Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnologia del I.P.N. (2019).

Vania Jesica Cabrera Lopez
tesis Licenciatura Universidad del Valle de México (2022).

Carolina de la Peña Ceballos
tesis Licenciatura Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnologia del I.P.N. (2022).


Estancias de investigación DAAD (Deutscher Akademicscher Austausdienst)


Theresa Gresh (13/07/2014 -7/09/2014)

Julia Boeck (2/10/2014 – 14/11/2014)

Laura Hinte (21/09/2015 – 26/10/2015)

Laura Wolbeck (8/08/2016 – 16/09/2016)

Max Degener (13/07/2017 – 22/09/2017)

Sima Selik (06/08/2018 – 14/09/2018)




Sandra Varela Cardoso (29/11/2017) Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnología, I.P.N.


Samuel Toribio Tenorio(23/09/2016)Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Veracruzana


Servicio social


Mariangel Irene Fierro (Ingeniería Farmacéutica en la UPIBI- IPN)


Generación 2014-2015


Science and technology - Alzheimer

Science Cinvestav

Prize Fomento a la Investigación en Salud, Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Cerveza y la Malta, 2016

Prize Miguel Alemán, 2015

Estudio de la Disfunción del Estroboloma durante la Perimenopausia como Factor de Riesgo para Desarrollar Alzheimer